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By Audrey Sckoropad

Stress is a body’s adaptive biological response as it attempts to maintain a state of internal balance, or homeostasis. This response helps the body produce certain hormones to cope with various stressors (mental, emotional, dietary, etc.). These days, it’s no secret that stress affects us all in one way or another, especially in the current situation, where everyone has to adapt to a new way of doing things. Isolation and a lack of human interaction and connection can cause a certain level of psychological stress. This article looks at how certain remedies and essential oils can help calm us so we can better manage our stress. Regardless of its source, the body responds to stress by inducing a chain of chemical reactions which lead to the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Healthy microbiota

Formed from bacteria on the body and in the gut, microbiota influences the nervous system, affecting balance and homeostasis. In times of stress, it is normal to crave sweet and fatty foods as they help to relieve tension. But this does not cure the cause—far from it. Instead, we should try to eat more foods that promote good digestive health and offer soothing and immediate stress relief. For example, some protein components can help produce neurotransmitters in the brain that help combat stress. We also know the benefits of Omega-3s, found in fatty fish and seeds such as flax and chia seeds, which can limit the effect of stress on the body. Therefore, to have a healthy mocrobiota, it is important to eat organic, unprocessed and nutrient-rich foods. To ensure that we’re getting all the nutrients we need, we can give our body a nutrient boost through food supplements such as Bio-Strath. Bio-Strath is made from plasmolyzed plant yeast and contains over 60 minerals and nutrients, including the full range of essential amino acids and B vitamins. It is available in tablets or as a liquid elixir that can be easily added to smoothies.


Nature offers a range of compounds that interact with the stress response system. I have always enjoyed using aromatherapy compounds to rebalance the system and lead a peaceful lifestyle. By acting on the central nervous system, they enhance the feeling of well-being. Essential oils can be used in many ways. Those diffused for inhaling are best used during occasional crises when stress is at its peak. They can also be used during a massage (a few drops mixed with vegetable oil) or in the bath, mixed with Epsom salts, natural soap or oil. There are a number of good stress-relieving essential oils that comfort and soothe. For example, lavender oil is a good option that’s also quite popular. It contains linalyl acetate, which regulates brain activity, resulting in reduced anxiety. Linalool increases the level of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure. Sweet orange essential oil helps us relax thanks to the limonene and myrcene it contains. Its comforting scent often evokes childhood memories. My kids love its aroma coming out of the diffuser before bedtime. Sweet orange oil effectively combats stress, reduces anxiety and helps fight insomnia. It’s a good idea to try several oils to find out which one works best for you as your body will respond better to some more than others. Their aroma is a key feature, so be sure to smell them to see which ones you like.

Herbal teas

Herbal tea has long been a natural option for relieving stress and relaxing after a long day. Quietly sipping a mug of hot herbal tea while reading a good book is a perfect way to unwind. I love herbal tea for its comforting effect and beneficial properties. Today, I would like to highlight Melissa (lemon balm) tea, which I have been enjoying quite a bit lately. Melissa is a medicinal plant used for its relaxing, antispasmodic and antiviral properties. It has also been used since ancient times for its therapeutic properties. Taken as a tea, it calms and soothes, while also aiding digestion. Melissa tea is obtained by infusing its leaves in boiling water for about ten minutes. To make one cup (200 mL), you will need 5 g of dried leaves or 10 g of fresh leaves. That’s it! I hope you find this information useful the next time you want to escape for a moment of relaxation!