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Yes, it is possible to make healthy life habits stick and to stay motivated every day! Did you know that regular exercise is so much more than just a way to stay in shape and maintain muscle mass? Staying active can have extremely positive effects on your whole body, in particular by boosting your immune system to prevent illness and growing your daily energy reserves. Among the benefits of physical exercise listed below, try checking off the ones you’re after:
  • Manages body weight
  • Increases muscle strength, balance, and coordination
  • Increases life expectancy
  • Builds better resistant to stress
  • Reduces risk of chronic illnes

Tempting, isn’t it? That’s why I invite you to

get back in shape! Exercise resolutions are often short-lived because the goal set is sometimes just too difficult to attain. To succeed, it’s important to have a plan.

Five-step Winning Strategy

Get motivated.
What triggered your intention? Do you want to reap the health benefits, have more energy to play with the kids, fit back into last year’s pants?
To avoid getting discouraged, you need to have realistic expectations.
After reaching your first objective, you’ll feel the satisfaction you need to set and meet even bigger personal challenges.
Integrate exercise into your lifestyle.
Multiply opportunities to move every day. Pick activities that integrate easily into your schedule. Also aim for a variety that considers your preferences.
Have fun moving.
Get in the mood for exercise. There’s nothing better than finding a workout partner. The support from a friend or loved one will increase your chances of success. It’s like having a cheerleader in your corner!
Advance at your own pace.
Doing so will allow your body to adapt and prevent exhaustion or injury. Respect your limits. Keeping a logbook is also a great way to gradually increase your workout intensity. One step at a time and one by one you’ll beat your limits!

How To Make It Happen?

Haven’t moved in ages? Walking remains the best way to gently integrate exercise into your lifestyle without shocking your body. You can walk anywhere, anytime. Start with 15 minutes, three times a week. After a few days, add one minute each time. Then add additional walks until you’re walking for 30 minutes, five to six times per week. Above all, don’t forget to congratulate yourself after each workout, since each time you’re one step closer to reaching your goal! In the next article, I’ll take a look at the various components of a workout program: warm-up and cool down, weight training, cardio, and stretching. I’ll give you practical tips so you can reach your goals! Trust me: moving will boost your energy and improve your quality of life! Sophie McGreevy Trainer