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By Maude Carmel

Do you love winter? Personally, it took me a while to learn to enjoy and truly appreciate our province’s boreal climate. Instead of focussing on the slush piling up on the street and the fact that the sun sets at 5 p.m., I chose to turn my attention to the beauty of the ice-covered trees, the magical rays of afternoon sunshine, and the sparkling, pristine snow. Ever since I’ve made peace with the fact that we live in a country with four very distinct seasons, I’ve learned to enjoy the magic each one has to offer. Yes, the wind whips our face the first two months of the year, but then we get to soak in clear blue skies and sunshiny days come spring and summer. Since last year, many gatherings have taken place outdoors (thanks, pandemic!). While the idea of an outdoor party might seem a little blah at first, it can actually be quite magical. Believe me—when you see your family and friends gathered around a crackling fire, cupping a hot beverage in their gloved hands, you really understand the meaning of the words comfort and warmth. Whether you have a small balcony or big backyard, for me, it’s the small things that turn any outdoor winter party into a magical moment: warm blankets, a fire (if possible obviously; don’t burn down your balcony!), snow-sculpted furniture (it adds a boreal touch; no need to build a huge sofa, it could be something as simple as a small cooler to store your bottle of beer and bubbly!), hot beverages, and comforting food. Here are a few food and drink ideas that you can easily find at Rachelle Béry and that will definitely impress your guests at your next outdoor party.

Fresh salad.

Make sure it’s good enough to be devoured in record time, so it doesn’t freeze on the table! For a fresh winter salad, I suggest Quebec northern shrimp, lettuce, and organic cucumbers grown in Quebec greenhouses.

Bread and cheese.

I recommend slicing some maple, cranberry, and pecan bread from the Montreal bakery Arhoma, and topping them with Zengarry made-in-Ontario double crème cashew cheese. Success guaranteed!


Soup is always a must when it comes to warming your soul . . . and hands! You could make a batch of minestrone soup with organic veggies from Rachelle, or a root vegetable soup! Of course, you can also grab some ready-made soups at the Rachelle Béry bistro counter nearest you. If you have a mini barbecue where you can keep your pot of soup warm all day, use it! When your guests get hungry, ladle the soup into mugs and let them sip on it, spoon-free! They’ll be able to move around more easily, and you’ll have fewer dishes to clean up!

A comforting dessert.

For a boost of energy, nothing beats a spoonful of sugar! Just make sure to avoid serving desserts that are messy, like pudding chômeur or crème brûlée. Instead, opt for desserts that don’t ooze or drip too much and that are easy to eat with your hands, like Stefano Faita panettone!

Pastel-coloured beverages!

Impress your guests by serving steaming cups of beet latte, ginger latte, and lavender café au lait made with Quebec products from Maygan Latte. Not only are they divine, but they’re also packed with superfoods that will help keep everyone’s energy levels up!

Wine & cider!

Head to a Rachelle Béry health food store near you and you’ll find an impressive selection of Michel Jodoin ciders, both with and without alcohol. You can store your cider in your snow cooler, next to your bottles of Stefano Faita wines!