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Now that you’ve mastered the perfect plate, broaden the field and learn what it means to eat well from sun up to sun down. Knowing what to eat is just part of it; there’s also knowing when to eat. Breakfast, lunch and supper are three key meals where it’s important to eat your fill — not too much, not too little. Snacks between meals serve to satisfy any hunger pangs so you have energy all day long, eating what you need and staving off hunger.

Start the day off right with breakfast

After 12 hours of fasting, your body and mind need help revving up with a good dose of energy. Try to eat from at least three of the four food groups. Choose your winning combination to include fruits, grains, and dairy or meat and substitutes including nuts and eggs.

Plan a lunch and supper that follow the guidelines for a balanced meal

Remember the perfect plate? That’s all there is to it! Avoid skipping meals to cut calories. If you’re hungry, you’ll eat more at the next meal and just lose out in the end. The other extreme is heavy meals loaded with carbohydrates and fat, which can slow you down in the afternoon or cause a night of fitful sleep.

Coffee breaks at work or the munchies at night

A healthy and filling snack includes a combination of three essential elements. Those little hunger pangs should therefore lead you to foods that contain protein, carbohydrates, fibre, or a happy mix of all three.

Protein serves to satisfy hunger!

Cheese, yogurt, milk, legumes and nuts are good examples of protein, which helps to control your appetite.

Carbohydrates give you energy and fibre keeps you full longer!

Lowering blood sugar levels can cause fatigue, irritability, and even headaches. Fruit, vegetables and whole grains provide you with the carbohydrates and fibre you need to quickly recharge your batteries and keep your energy levels stable between meals. The dieticians at Rachelle Béry