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Some foods are loaded with antioxidants. Others should be eaten in moderation. It goes without saying that nutrition is a topic full of preconceived ideas. But we’re here to set the record straight! We separate fact from fiction in this fun new quiz. Jot down your answers and see if you’re right (explanations can be found at the end of the quiz). Put your knowledge to the test now!

By the Science & Fourchette team

Nutrition quiz

  1. Eating carrots improves your eyesight TRUE or FALSE
  2. Eggs cause your blood cholesterol to rise TRUE or FALSE
  3. Vegans need to combine two sources of plant-based protein during mealtime to ensure protein complementation TRUE or FALSE
  4. Cooking vegetables reduces their nutritional value TRUE or FALSE
  5. Table salt is the main source of sodium in our diet TRUE or FALSE
  6. Butter is better than margarine TRUE or FALSE


1. TRUE Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an important role in eye health, namely maintaining the structural integrity of your retina cells. It also plays a part in sending a nerve impulse to the brain in response to light penetrating the eye. Carrots aren’t the only vegetable rich in beta-carotene! All yellow or orange vegetables (sweet potatoes, winter squash, pumpkins, red peppers), as well as certain green vegetables (spinach, cabbage, lettuce, bok choy) are also great options! 2. FALSE It’s important to understand one thing: cholesterol that comes from food has a very small impact on a person’s blood cholesterol. Rather, it’s foods that are rich in saturated and trans fat—such as meat and full-fat dairy products—that can cause your cholesterol levels to rise. When there is too much cholesterol in the blood, cholesterol deposits form in the arteries. This is known as arteriosclerosis. So, if you’re in good health, there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t consume eggs! 3. FALSE Vegans don’t need to go crazy thinking about protein complementation! It’s just an old myth that won’t die! Because we all eat a variety of foods each day, we practice protein complementation without even realizing it. There’s no need to calculate—just remember that variety is the key to a healthy life! 4. TRUE…but only to a certain extent! Several nutrients found in vegetables are sensitive to heat, while others are water soluble, meaning they are easily lost when cooked in water. So, while in theory, cooking can diminish a vegetables’ nutritional value, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat them, as they still offer a ton of benefits! Some cooking methods are better than others when it comes to preserving as many nutrients as possible: in the microwave, in the oven, stir-fried, or steamed. And of course, raw veggies are always an excellent option! 5. FALSE More than 75% of our daily sodium intake comes from processed foods, such as canned soups, deli meats, dehydrated, dried, or smoked foods, crackers, chips, store-bought cookies and muffins, bread, ready-to-eat meals, etc. To reduce your salt intake, your best bet is to consume fresh foods and cook from scratch. And replace salt with spices and fresh herbs. 6. TRUE AND FALSE Comparing butter with margarine is like comparing apples with oranges. It all depends on your tastes, what you use it for, your diet, health, and quantity consumed. Butter and margarine are both lipids; they contain the same amount of fats and calories. However, butter is derived from dairy, while margarine is a processed food made from plant oils. That being said, such a question is a good example of all the nuances we’re faced with when it comes to our diet. And what works for you might be very different from what works for your neighbour!