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Whether you’re an omnivore, flexitarian, vegetarian, vegan, or just a regular old foodie, trying new ingredients is always rewarding and exciting!

Vegan food is becoming more and more popular, and several new products are appearing on our shelves.

Here is an overview of the Rachelle Béry nutritionists’ favourite products, which make leaning into a vegan diet flavourful and fun.

1. The traditional block of tofu

Economical, versatile, and convenient, tofu should be a staple on your weekly grocery list. It’s handy to always have one (or even two!) blocks in your fridge. Our favourite: smoked tofu. It’s ready to eat, and we love adding it to our sandwiches or salads. We also use it as an alternative to bacon, lard, or smoked Gouda in plant-based recipes.

2. Nutritional yeast

It’s the perfect ingredient to give a cheesy taste to your recipes. We use it in our hummus, salad dressings, and creamy “cheese” sauces, or sprinkle it on popcorn and pasta. It contains 2 g of protein per 5 g (15 ml or 1 tablespoon) and is an excellent source of vitamin B12, a vitamin found exclusively in the animal kingdom or in fortified products. A food product must therefore be enriched with it; check the ingredients list, not the Nutrition Facts table. Vitamin B12 may be listed under the term “cyanocobalamin.”

3. Nut butters of all kinds!

Peanut butter is good, but why not expand your love of nut butter? The world of oilseeds offers a host of possibilities: almond butter, pumpkin seed butter, cashew butter, etc. Each variety offers its own distinctive flavour palette and nutritional profile. We love tahini (sesame seed butter), which is delicious in salad dressings, burger sauces, and sandwiches, as well as on grilled vegetables with a touch of soy sauce.

4. Jackfruit

This fruit has what it takes to rival even the yummiest pulled pork! It doesn’t have the high protein content meat does, but it can be a nice alternative when it comes to replicating the texture of shredded meat in certain recipes. Although rare, the whole fruit is available in some Asian grocery stores, but shelling and preparing it can be laborious. We therefore suggest buying it in brine (plain or seasoned) at Rachelle Béry.

5. Tempeh

Tempeh deserves to have its place on our plates! It can be used like firm tofu, but it differs from it by its high bioavailability of several nutrients and its fibre content. Among other things, it can be sautéed in a pan and added to vegetable stir-fries, but it is especially good marinated and grilled, then added to veggie burgers!

6. Puy lentils

These little-known brown beads are delicious and underutilized compared to other legumes.

7. Vegan cheese

Whether made with tofu, cashews, almonds, or soy milk, there is a wide range of ingenious products to replace traditional cheese. There are loads of vegan cheeses on the market: wheels, logs, spreads, seasoned, hard, creamy, sliced, grated, etc. We particularly love the Zengarry brand, which offers cashew-based cheeses that are simply delicious!

8. Flaxseeds

It’s no wonder that flaxseeds are on our list of favourite ingredients: they’re nutritional powerhouses! Rich in fibre and plant-based omega-3s, they need to be ground for the body to absorb their nutrients. They replace the binding effect of eggs in vegan recipes (15 ml [1 tablespoon] ground seeds + 45 ml [3 tablespoon] water = 1 egg). From a nutritional standpoint, flaxseeds are very similar to chia seeds. On the other hand, flaxseeds are grown locally!

9. Gusta and Field Roast “fake sausages”

These are particularly interesting for their practicality and clean ingredients list. They’re also a great alternative for people who are slowly transitioning to a vegan diet.

10. Fortified soy beverage

Especially in a plain, unsweetened version. Fortified soy beverage generally contains the same amount of protein, calcium, and vitamin D as cow’s milk. It therefore offers an option that is comparable to traditional milk.

We hope this list will make you want to add a few plant-based recipes to your weekly menu!

– Rachelle Béry’s team of nutritionists